Most men love the idea of one night stands for these following 10 reasons in no particular order:
1. No commitment.
2. Allows them to taste the spice of life, variety.
3. Does not hassle them for cuddling when they just want to pass out.
4. Can really be a self esteem boost for competitive men(you got it without having to do any work means you win).
5. Can bark like a dog. Woof Woof.
6. Can get home for next viewing of Sportscenter (real winners get back for the 1 a.m. showing).
7. No commitment.
8. Does not interfere with the prior obligations you have to your Fifa Lounge.
9. It's like the fast food of sex, no service needed.
10. Drake said it best "Pussy is only pussy, I only get it when I need it".
With that being said, Hot Chip offers another view on this controversial term with their newest single, One Life Stand.
The best band out right now, gives its listeners exactly what they want on this track. Hardcore drum beats with a beautiful, almost uplifting chorus that will make even the coolest of bachelors rethink their outlook on "hitting and quitting".
One Life Stand, also their title of their upcoming album in early February, showcases Hot Chip's ability to touch every listener. Something indie music as a whole is still lacking.
They make love the cool thing to do.
Hot Chip - One Life Stand (MySpace Exclusive)
Hot Chip | MySpace Music Videos
Hot Chip- "One Life Stand"
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