There is nothing like sitting down with your friends and getting knee deep in some games....video games that is. Competing head to head with friends or even against people you hate is always a great time no matter what you are gaming on.
Our top games right now:
1.Modern Warfare
3.NBA 2K
4.Scene It
5.Gears of War 2
But don't get it twisted, this is a part-time hobby, at best. Yeah we are damn good at these games, but that's just because we fucking are doing it no matter what it is. Shit, I'm a hell of a grocery shopper when I need to get food for the house.
The problem with gaming is these niggas that smell like boogers and their own jizz.
Fucking nerd alert yo. These dorks give video games a bad name by gaming way too much. And then these clown artists get all angry and freak out when their fantasy land shit gets taken away. Check out this BoZo below to emphasize my point.
Damn, that kid needs to runaway already. He should take some friendly advice from The Black Out Kings, stop arguing with Momma Dukes and picking your nose and starting picking games he can win.
RJD2 – Games You Can Win (featuring Kenna)