Uncle Scrooge McDuck is a inspiration to all of us.
He is rich.
He is a cool older duck.
He has a funny accent.
He banged Daffy on the low.
He is a great family man.
And he is rich.
But this lucky duck is a little suspect too.
What is the most germ-affected hotspot to pick up diseases?
Yep, cash money. And we know all know Uncle Scrooge was very hands on with his money, literally swimming in the money wearing almost nothing every ducking day.

Now we called all of the Veterinary offices we could think of and could not get a straight answer until now.....
According to the private doctor offices of Seuss, Pepper and Evil M.D., Uncle Scrooge McDuck has furious case of herpes that was caught while skinny dipping in money at his private vault/pool.
What a shame, another role model ruined.
Javelin- STD Fury
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